Fira de Novembre 2019: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalunya.

Fira de Novembre As is tradition, it will be held the Fira de Novembre of Vilanova next week. Specifically, on the 8th, 9th and 10th. It is a multisectoral fair: We can find from Universities, food shops, agricultural, motor, baby clothes … Even political parties! To introducethe ourselves tofair, let’s make a smallreview historical: The […]


What may be the causes of the current crisis?

What may be the causes of the current crisis? Has the main crisis exit mechanism been taken from Spain? Based on the exceptional writing of Jordi Catalan. Excellent summary of the possible reasons that have led us to the crisis and those that do not allow us to finish poking the head. Real estate speculation. […]


The municipal capital surtax, declared unconstitutional when sold in losses.

Professional, serious and didactic article published by Idealista and whose author is Paloma Martínez Almeida. The TC has declared unconstitutional the statutory regulation governing the tax on surplus value in Guipúzcoa, a law that is equal to the state, so that this ruling will force the national legislation. Thus, the Constitutional Court considers that when […]


Everything you need to know about the floor clause.

Information provided by Fotocasa on the floor clause. The called “floor clause” is a clause that establishes a minimum percentage that you have to pay each month without having in reference the interest marked by the market. The bank is not obliged to inform the consumer individually if you are an affected. So to know […]



As we have been reporting since October 2012; Through our LOCALCENTER.ES real estate advisory platform and emails, the Generalitat de Catalunya has passed a law requiring owners, businesses, partners and tourist establishments in Catalonia to include the Catalan Tourism Registry (RTC) number in Any advertising by which the tourist establishment is promoted; And for that […]


11. Real Estate Bulletin. Taxes / Stays Tourist Establishments.

Ante la inminencia de la presentación de la primera autoliquidación del impuesto sobre las estancias en establecimientos turísticos os detallamos las consultas más frecuentes que se han realizado sobre esta nueva figura impositiva, así como una breve descripción del impuesto y una selección de consultas interesantes. Destacar sobre todo que aquellos arrendamientos de apartamentos turísticos […]


1. Real Estate Bulletin

The Ministry of Industry prepares a regulation that will force all houses that are sold or rented in Spain to have an Energy Certificate. It is a document that will describe how effective a house is in terms of energy consumption and whose cost could be around 250 euros for a medium-sized house. This requirement […]