A study measuring the tourist reputation of Vilanova and Geltrrú in Covid-19 time scores 8.45 in tourist accommodation

Personal, location, and cleanup are the best-rated service dimensions for customers A study that analyzes the image of Vilanova and Geltr on as a tourist and gastronomic destination post Covid-19 points the Vilanova experience with an 8.32, according to the Global IRon, the reputation index. The study has been carried out by the company Vivetial […]


HLCLUB renews the diploma for its commitment to quality tourism

The diploma has been awarded by NODE Garraf, of the Diputació de Barcelona  The Garraf Economic Development Agency, NODE Garraf, which has the support of the Diputació de Barcelona since its gestation, has once again recognised HLCLUB’s commitment as a tourist information point to providing a quality tourist information and care service.  NODE Garraf, the […]