Royal Decree-Law 34/2020 of 17 November, with measures to support solvency and business liquidity


In addition to the modifications in the business sphere, the Decree-Law includes modifications on IVA, corporate tax and bankruptcy 


The BOE published on November 18, 2020 the Royal Decree-Law 34/2020, of November 17, of urgent measures to support business solvency and the energy and tax sector, which entered into force yesterday, 19 November 2020, the day after its publication in BOE. 


In business matters, the following measures are established: 


  • The term of maturity and lack of financing operations are extended to self-employed and companies that have received a public guarantee through the ICO (Instituto de Crédito Oficial). 


  • It regulates the notarial and registration fees and establishes the bonuses that are generated as a result of the formalization in public deed of the extension of the expiration and default periods.


  • The Boards of Directors of public limited liability companies are allowed to make provision for the convening of the general meeting by means of telematic and remote voting, as well as for the holding of the meeting anywhere in the national territory.

In the case of limited liability companies, they may hold the general meeting by videoconference or by multiple telephone conference, provided that all persons entitled to assistance or those representing them have the necessary means and the secretary of the organism recognizes their identity.