21. Real Estate Bulletin. Urban Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Renewal Law.

The new standard, which came into force on 28 June, provides for the compulsory rehabilitation of buildings of over 50 years, about three million homes by 2018, in which a new building inspection system will be applied . In that rehabilitation, it will be demanded an economic report that explains how it will finance the work. In addition, when local administrations regulates it, in 10 years it will be extended to all collective housing buildings, as the deadlines for review of current ITEs are met.
The Law simplifies the concept of rehabilitation work so that minor reforms opt for public aid, rethink the majority games within the communities of owners, it penalizes the hegemonic majorities (60%) in the assemblies , and facilitates the introduction of the private sector In the management of urban projects.
The municipalities may act on their own initiative and order rehabilitation of private buildings. To pay them, the Law allows communities to cede “parts of the property – in rent or right of use – in exchange for deferred payments”, or to fix “swaps or cession of land or part of the property subject to reform for a certain building”, and That can “rent premises, homes or other common elements.” This is the case of porters’ homes, which in many cases lack housing codes.
It also invites the construction companies to charge the reform at zero cost and in a deferred way, depending on the energy savings obtained. This formula will serve, according to farm managers, to “combat financial delinquency in owner communities.”
The Law also lays down sanctions for energy certification of buildings and their graduation. Thus, minor infringements will be sanctioned with fines of 300 to 600 euros; The serious ones, from 601 to 1,000 euros, and the very serious, between 1,001 and 6,000 euros.


In addition, the text clarifies that “in spite of the above, in cases in which the benefit that the offender obtained for the commission of the infraction was higher than the amount of the sanctions in each case indicated in the preceding paragraph, the sanction will be imposed For an amount equivalent to the profit thus obtained “.